
Our Completed Projects in Monaco

Table of contents


  • 2012 - 2013
Junior Chamber Inter (JCI)
European Best Social Business Plan Competition
  • 2009 et 2014
Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace
Donation of Medical Equipment to the Princess Grace Hospital Center (CHPG)
  • 2014 - 2015
Benoît Pasquier
Individual Scholarship for Doctoral Research


  • 2013
Felix Finkbeiner
Plant for The Planet Initiative
  • 2011 - 2018
Association monégasque
Écoute Cancer Réconfort Association
  • 2014 - 2019
Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo
Princess Grace Danse Academy


  • 2010 - 2020
Children & Future Association
No Finish Line Monaco
  • 2022
Associations & civil initiatives
  • DEPUIS 2002
Associations & civil initiatives



MONACO | 2008

Sene’Gala, Painting Competition and Gala Event

Young Senegalese visual artists honored in the Principality
  • Operational expenses: 147351


Alfredo Cuomo was an enthusiastic supporter of the Arts. He always encouraged young inspiring artists in the many countries he visited. Alfredo and Elena Cuomo especially appreciated African Art and decided to find a way to bring some of the new exciting artists, they had encountered in Senegal, to a wider audience.

In 2008, they created and supported a painting competition to be held in Monaco. They selected a jury of African Art specialists in Senegal who viewed over 60 different artist’s work. 10 Senegalese Artists were selected to bring their work to Monaco for the final stage of the competition.

In November 2008, at the Hotel de Paris in Monaco, an exhibition was mounted of their paintings. The highlight of the program was a special dinner auction evening which benefited the artists. Financial prizes given by the Credit Foncier de Monaco Bank, the Monaco Red Cross and the Cuomo Foundation, were also awarded to the winners.

FM de Monaco, la Croix-Rouge monégasque et la Fondation Cuomo ont récompensé les vainqueurs du concours.




MONACO | 2012 - 2013

European Best Social Business Plan Competition

A collaboration with the Junior Chamber Inter (JCI) of Monaco
  • Operational expenses: 51522


Since its creation in 1995, European Best Social Business Plan Competition attests the Junior Chamber International Monaco (JCI) interest on innovative business development in the Principality. 

The Cuomo Foundation supported this initiative in 2012 and 2013.

Mrs Maria Elena Cuomo chaired the jury of the 2013 competition. A special “Coup de Coeur” award was granted to Mrs Cigdem Haznedar for her innovative business plan. This financial award was funded by the Cuomo Foundation.

This support allowed Mrs Cigdem Haznedar to open her first beauty salon in Turkey. Her professional ambitions are to open franchises all over Turkey and encourage women to find employment and become more independent. 





MONACO | 2009 / 2014

Donation of Medical Equipment to the Princess Grace Hospital Center (CHPG)

Cutting-edge equipment for the Pathology Department
  • Operational expenses: 257774


In 2009, the Cuomo Foundation fully sponsored the purchase of a “Tissue-Tek Xpress x120” machine for the Princess Grace of Monaco Hospital (CHPG). This donation enabled the Histology and Pathology departments to further upgrade and improve the speed of their tissue processing results. 

In March 2014, the Foundation again supported the Monacan hospital by funding a new machine “ANI Monitorage PhysioDoloris” for the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit.

The CHPG of Monaco is one of the pioneering hospitals in the world to adopt this new “PhysioDoloris” technology, a manoeuvre which allows medical personnel to quantify the pain felt by anaesthetised patients.



MONACO | 2014 - 2015

Individual Scholarship for Doctoral Research

Benoît Pasquier, former École Polytechnique student
  • Operational expenses : 13000


Between 2014 and 2015, the Foundation granted an individual scholarship to a former Polytechnique student, Benoît Pasquier from Monaco. This researcher was introduced by Philippe Narmino, the Vice-president of Monaco Red Cross, a long-time partner of the Cuomo Foundation.

Based in New South Wales University, Sidney, Australia, Mr Pasquier prepared a doctoral thesis on ocean fluid dynamics. His study focused on transformation of inorganic elements into organic matter as well its transportation around the globe through the ocean tides.

Foundation’s scholarships made this demanding research possible, which is poised to contribute to our understanding of issues related to the current ecological issues.




MONACO | 2013

Plant for The Planet

An initiative led by a young activist, Felix Finkbeiner 
  • Operational expenses: 5000


Inspired by Wangari Maathai, who planted 30 million trees in Africa in 30 years, Felix formulated his vision: Children could plant one million trees in every country on earth and thereby offset CO2 emissions all on their own, while adults are still talking about doing it. Each tree binds a CO2 intake of 10 kg per year. 

On 28th October, 2013 the Cuomo Foundation invited the young Felix Finkbeiner to present his charity during the Valve Repair Trilogy Conference organised by the company Edward Lifescience in Monaco.

Felix is the Founder of “Plant for The Planet”, a children’s initiative that aims to raise awareness on the issues of climate change. During this event, the Cuomo Foundation agreed to sponsor the planting of 5,000 trees in Mexico, a Plant for the Planet action.





MONACO | 2014 - 2019

Individual Scholarship in Favor of a Young Tennis Champion

Clara Froget, tennis player
  • Operational expenses: 87000


Clara Froget is a young French tennis player who won the French Championship in 2014 in her age category. She was ranked -4/6, the best French ranking for her age. 

Between 2014 and 2019, the Foundation helped her with her academics. The scholarship allowed her to follow a tailor-made course, particularly adapted to the specific needs required by her sporting career.


An interview with Clara Froget



MONACO | 2011 - 2018

Écoute Cancer Réconfort Association

  • Operational expenses: 105000


Ecoute Cancer Réconfort is a Monaco-based association whose mission is to provide help and comfort to people suffering from cancer. The association’s actions include hospital visits to patients, maintenance of a special unit facility for palliative care and various social activities designed to uplift the daily life of the cancer sufferer. 

The Cuomo Foundation provides annual funding since 2011.



MONACO | 2014 - 2019

Princess Grace Danse Academy

Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo
  • Operational expenses: 900000


Directed since 2009 by renowned dancer and teacher Luca Masala, the Princess Grace Dance Academy is known around the world for its high teaching standards and the level of talent, commitment and professionalism of its graduates. 

Between 2014 and 2019, the Foundation’s funding has allowed 75 scholarships to be awarded to young pupils from around the world. This funding also helped the institute strengthen its academic offer through the renewal of a pianist position and securing teachers’ salaries.





MONACO | 2010 - 2020

No Finish Line Monaco

An initiative propelled by the Children & Future association
  • Operational expenses: 285000


Since 2009 the Cuomo Foundation has been one of the main sponsors of the annual NFL held in Monaco. Open to all ages and abilities, this amateur marathon event raises over €350,000 each year. All proceeds go to the Association Children & Future, a Monaco-based non-profit organisation, which aims to provide assistance and support through specific projects for underprivileged and sick children around the world.

Each year the Foundation recruits a team of employees, friends and supporters who take part in this fun and worthwhile event.





MONACO | 2022


  • Budget opérationnel en 2022 : 30000

Becoming a parent is undoubtedly a wonderful source of happiness, but it also brings many changes and difficulties. Faced with these challenges, it can sometimes be difficult to find good listeners and suitable answers. Based on this realization, Emilie, Johanna, Clémence, and Anna, young mothers but also young entrepreneurs, took the initiative to create a digital support platform for parents called Entreparents.

Digital transition and education are key challenges for society in the future, and for these reasons, the Cuomo Foundation has decided to support this project and contribute to the funding of the application's launch.

Various working meetings held this year have allowed for the analysis of the project's progress and the appreciation of the communication methods implemented to promote Entreparents. In parallel, a collaboration is planned with the Princess Grace Hospital Center (CHPG).

Several working meetings have taken place to analyze the project's progress. "Let's Talk, Education" events are multiplying, as well as publications on Instagram and Facebook. Five meetings with parents are scheduled for 2023. A collaboration agreement is being prepared with the CHPG. A testing phase is planned between Decembe



Associations & Civil Initiatives




Mission Enfance Association

  • Donation of 50000
SINCE 2009

Les Enfants de Frankie Association

  • Donation of 16000 € 



Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises de Monaco Association

  • Donation of 15000

Princesse Stéphanie Centre

  • Donation of 30000



Festival for The Earth

  • Donation of 10000

Oceanographic Institute of Monaco

  • Donation of 30000