Press release from the Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honour - 13/12/2023


Press release from the Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honour - 13/12/2023

Ambitious Support from the Cuomo Foundation

[Photo: Mrs. Maria Elena Cuomo with the Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, General François Lecointre in Paris - 11/08/2023 | © 2023 Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honour]


The Cuomo Foundation, which is dedicated to youth education and raising awareness about climate challenges, is providing ambitious funding to the Grand Chancellery. The objective is to help financially support the reconstruction of the Legion of Honour's educational institution in Saint-Denis, where 430 high school girls, descendants of decorated individuals, are currently enrolled.

The building, which opened in 1985, is currently deteriorating and must be updated to meet changing pedagogical practices. Following a partial refurbishment effort in 2015, the new project will concentrate on renovating interior areas and updating technical facilities.

Environmental goals will be integrated from the programming stage. Special attention will be given to enhancing the energy efficiency of the building and meeting climate plan standards.

This renovation project will be accompanied by an educational initiative enabling students to acquire knowledge about sustainable construction materials and practices, as well as highlighting careers and training in the construction industry.

The renovation, scheduled for 2025, will be funded through a combination of private funds and public grants.

During a meeting at the Grand Chancellery, Maria Elena Cuomo, President of the Foundation, and General François Lecointre, Grand Chancellor of the Legion of Honour, expressed their delight at this new collaboration, which follows the foundation's initial sponsorship of the "Memory of Honour" project in 2022, which aimed to improve and enhance the historical archives of decorated individuals.

© 2023 Grand Chancellery of the Legion of Honour, December 13, 2023